早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享



How much are you worth? In today's market-orientated (以市场为导向的) society everyone has a value — some more than others unfortunately. Trying to __41__ the value of the price tag on our head can be difficult.

First a little __42__ on how prices are calculated. Products can be __43__ because of the raw materials used the skilled labour required to make the products __44__ the scarcity of the prod­uct itself. Some __45__ take a long time to make. Others are expensive to distribute. Now skip ahead to the "'people market" — sports stars __46__. They earn a lot of money __47__ the supply of their skills is low and the demand is high.   But there are other jobs where there is the same __48__ supply. And yet because those who demand a person's skills are not rich that person must __49__ a low price.

Sometimes a person's value increases when their work is __50__: an engineer; in Iraq for example. Sometimes a person's value is based upon __51__. A well-known economist versus an ordinary one for instance.

Thinking about our worth in the job marketplace can enable us to discover new __52__ paths. For instance you may love Chinese literature. You may __53__ have a degree in it. But maybe there are a lot of literature teachers in China. What if you __54__ your English-speaking ability so that you could teach Chinese to high school students in the US? What if you studied abroad in __55__ school so you could become a professor of Chinese literature in the UK? Your value in the market place could skyrocket.

In the right place under the right circumstances your skills can take you from rags to riches (从赤贫到巨富).

41.   A. take care of                     B. pick up                     C. figure up                  D. get rid of

42.   A. background                     B. story                        C. description               D. skill

43.   A. cheap                       B. expensive                 C. produced                  D. sold

44.   A. as long as                 B. because of                C. thanks to                  D. as well as

45.   A. products                  B. people                      C. decisions                  D. profits

46.   A. as well                     B. in particular              C. and so on                 D. for instance

47.   A. so                            B. because                    C. though                            D. but

48.   A. short                        B. sufficient                  C. demanding                D. domestic

49.   A. refuse                      B. receive                     C. ask                          D. accept

50.   A. dull                          B. exciting                    C. dangerous                D. hard

51.   A. profession                B. reputation                 C. age                          D. knowledge

52.   A. employment              B. career                      C. job                           D. occupation

53.   A. never                             B. ever                         C. even                        D. yet

54.   A. increased                  B. showed                    C. developed                 D. enlarged

55.   A. academic                  B. elementary                C. high                         D. graduate


 CABDA          DBADC      BBCCD

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