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1 knock+at/on 敲击
EG Why don't you knock before you come in?进来之前为何不敲门?
She knocked at the door timidly,她小心翼翼地敲了敲门.
2 knock sth dowm/over把某物撞倒
EG The car knocked down that boy. 汽车撞倒了那个男孩.
3 knock sth 指责,批评某物
EG Don't knock him ,it's not his fault.不要指责他了,这又不是他的错.
4 knock sth about 踢球
EG The boys are knocking the ball about the yard.男孩们在院子里踢球玩.
PS get a knock(n.) 被撞了一下
EG he got a knock on the shoulder when he fell down.他摔倒时胳膊被撞了一下.