早教吧作业答案频道 -->其他-->
1.What does inheritance mean in C++?Suppose you have class A and class B,under which of the following two conditions class B should inherit from class
(1)A is a part of B.
(2)B is a kind of A.
2.When should the keyword virtual be placed before a member function of a class?Do all of the virtual member functions have to be overridden in the derived class?If not,why?
3.Does C++ support multiple inheritance?Some people think that multiple inheritance can cause a variety of ambiguity problems.Try to explain what problems will multiple inheritance cause and how to avoid them.
4.What operators cannot be overloaded in C++?What restriction applies to overloading the following operators?
=,( ),[ ],and ->.
1.What does inheritance mean in C++?Suppose you have class A and class B,under which of the following two conditions class B should inherit from class
(1)A is a part of B.
(2)B is a kind of A.
2.When should the keyword virtual be placed before a member function of a class?Do all of the virtual member functions have to be overridden in the derived class?If not,why?
3.Does C++ support multiple inheritance?Some people think that multiple inheritance can cause a variety of ambiguity problems.Try to explain what problems will multiple inheritance cause and how to avoid them.
4.What operators cannot be overloaded in C++?What restriction applies to overloading the following operators?
=,( ),[ ],and ->.
1.Inheritance allows one data type to acquire properties of other data types.
the 2nd condition (B is a kind of A)
2.(1)When a class is having serveral base classes and the call of member function is ambigious.
(2)No,there is no need to override when it is not needed.
3.Yes.When the inherited class is using a member function or member varible which exists in more than one base classes,the computer will not know which one to use.The problem can be simply solved by using the operator '::' or define a virtual inheritance.
4.“.” “::” :” and “sizeof” can not be overloaded.
the overloading of the operator mentioned can only be defined as a member function of a class
the 2nd condition (B is a kind of A)
2.(1)When a class is having serveral base classes and the call of member function is ambigious.
(2)No,there is no need to override when it is not needed.
3.Yes.When the inherited class is using a member function or member varible which exists in more than one base classes,the computer will not know which one to use.The problem can be simply solved by using the operator '::' or define a virtual inheritance.
4.“.” “::” :” and “sizeof” can not be overloaded.
the overloading of the operator mentioned can only be defined as a member function of a class
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