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关于WITH 复合结构表示被动的宾补问题
With more forests being destroyed,huge quantities of good earth are being washed away each year.
在这句话中,forests 和动词destroy 是被动关系,根据with 复合结构表示被动情况,是 with + 宾语+ done ,那跟with more forests destroyed 有何区别?
根据这句话,with +宾语+ being done 属于哪块?请指教.
因为语法归纳里 with +宾语+ adj./adv./V.ing/done/to do 那不是还能跟 being done 了
With more forests being destroyed的谓语是being destroyed而非destroye,因为它的原句是more forests are being destroyed=people are destroying more forests,其中的两个are只是表示时态,真正的谓语是being destroyed和destroying.所以,with more forests being destroyed是语法中with +宾语+ doing结构,而非with +宾语+ being done结构,也就不存在with+宾语+doing的被动关系了.这儿的难点就是destroye是及物动词Vt而非非及物动词V,它的with +宾语+ doing结构有时看起来很像with +宾语+ being done结构.
with more forests destroyed既可以说是with +宾语+ adj又可以说是with +宾语+done结构.