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Saipan (IPA:[saɪ'pæn],[saɪ'pɑn],or ['saɪpæn] in English) is the largest island and capital of the United States Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI),a chain of 15 tropical islands belonging to the Marianas archipelago in the western Pacific Ocean (15°10’51”N,145°45’21”E) with a total area of 115.39 km² (44.55 sq mi).The 2000 census population was 62,392.
Located at latitude of 15.25° north and longitude of 145.75° east,about 200 km (120 mi) north of Guam,Saipan is about 20 km (12.5 mi) long and 9 km (5.5 mi) wide.It is a popular tourist destination in the Pacific.
The western side of the island is lined with sandy beaches and an offshore coral reef which creates a large lagoon.The eastern shore is composed primarily of rugged rocky cliffs and a reef.Its highest point is a limestone covered mountain called Mount Tapochau at 474 m (1,554 ft).Many people consider Mount Tapochau to be an extinct volcano,but is in fact a limestone formation.To the north of Mount Tapochau towards Banzai Cliff is a ridge of hills.Mount Achugao,situated about 2 miles North,has been interpreted to be a remnant of a stratified composite volcanic cone whose Eocene center was not far north of the present peak.
Besides English,the indigenous Chamorro language is spoken by approximately 19 percent of the inhabitants.The current governor of the CNMI is Benigno Fitial,who is the successor of Juan Babauta.The island also has many other large,strongly defined lingual and ethnic groups because of the large percentage of contract workers (60% of total population,as of 2001) from China,Bangladesh,the Philippines,Thailand,Vietnam,and Cambodia.In addition,a large percentage of the island's population includes first-generation immigrants from Japan,China,and Korea,and immigrants from many of the other Micronesian islands.
塞班岛(Saipan Island)是北马里亚纳群岛的首府,位于东经145度,北纬15度的太平洋中部,菲律宾海与太平洋之间,西南面临菲律宾海,东北面临太平洋,群岛共有14个海岛,加上关岛,这十五个岛屿总称马里亚纳群岛,由于近邻赤道一年四季如夏,风景秀美.是近几年开发的世界著名的旅游修养胜地,背倚美丽的热带植被覆盖的山脉,透过道路两旁的郁郁葱葱的椰树展示在你面前的是迷人的蓝绿色菲律宾海,故有“身在塞班犹如置身天堂”之说.很少有旅游目的地可以提供所有旅游者的所有要求,塞班就是其中之一.世界级的购物、餐饮、观光、活动在这里是惊人的丰富和不同.全岛东西宽幅2.2—10.5里,南北平均长度为23公里,全岛面积185平方公里.人口约8万.(1999年官方统计发布),其中原住居民(持美国护照公民)2万人,包括美国人和当地土著人.其他均为外来工作者和投资人,包括日本人、菲律宾人、韩国人、盂加拉人、泰国人和中国人,其中菲律宾人约2万人,中国人约2万人,韩国、日本人约1万人,其他人约1万人.正是由于有众多的中国人,所以中国的食品、饭店、商店遍布全岛,给中国人的居住、饮食带来了便利.
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