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I sent you a e-mail several days ago,but the Automatic reply says you we away untilTuesday, January 6. I'm not sure if you have received my e-mail. I'm sorry totrouble you again. I am a student from China and I want toapply your school. I am very pleased tomeet you and Christine in Hangzhou China in June. I have be provideda lot of information about your school. However, here are still some questionsI want to know:
1. Christine said that you will go to Hangzhou to have interviews in April, so I didn’t need toapply online or submit required document. Is it ok?
2. I know that there is a test held by St.George’s schoolbefore the interview, I want to know whether I have to take the test if I havea SSAT score. And what is a good SSAT score that you can accept.
best wishes and happy new year !

Jerry Yu
第1行, an email; you XXX away? 找一下原文。
没必要写 I'm sorry to trouble you again. hangzhou后面加,
I have be provided a lot of information about your school. 可以写成 有you helped me to get more information about your school.
an interview, don't need to
I know that there is a test held by St.George’s schoolbefore the interview, 句号
看了 我要向加拿大学校问些问题,要...的网友还看了以下:

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