早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
SAT的一道数学题First, 3 is subtracted from x and the square root of the difference is taken. Then, 5 is added to the result, giving a final result of 9. What is the value of x?这道题我做对了 答案是19 但是什么叫the difference is t
First, 3 is subtracted from x and the square root of the difference is taken. Then, 5 is added to the result, giving a final result of 9. What is the value of x?
这道题我做对了 答案是19 但是什么叫the difference is taken 请高手解答
First, 3 is subtracted from x and the square root of the difference is taken. Then, 5 is added to the result, giving a final result of 9. What is the value of x?
这道题我做对了 答案是19 但是什么叫the difference is taken 请高手解答
the square root of the difference is taken,意思是对结果开根号
看了 SAT的一道数学题First...的网友还看了以下:
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