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The Temple of the Ancestors (Foshan Zumiao) dates originally from the second half of the 11th C,and was restored in 1372 following a fire.It is dedicated to the God of the North,Ruler of the Waters.Although the Chinese name ''Zumiao'' means ''Temple of the Ancestors'',this simply indicates that it is the oldest temple in town,"the ancestor of temples".The rich ceiling decoration with many figures is its most interesting feature.
The complex covers an area of 3000sq.m/32,300sq.ft and includes the following buildings:the portico (Qian Dian),the main hall (Zheng Dian),the Festival Hall of Truth (Qingzhen Lou),the Pond of Scented Brocade (Jinxiang Chi) and the Theatre of a Thousand Good Fortunes (Wanfu Tai) which is decorated with gilded carvings.
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