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金融里的diversification 怎么用英文解释
Diversification in finance is a risk management technique,related to hedging,that mixes a wide variety of investments within a portfolio.
Diversification in finance means reducing risk by investing in a variety of assets.If the asset values do not move up and down in perfect synchrony,a diversified portfolio will have less risk than the weighted average risk of its constituent assets,often less risk than the least risky of its constituents.Therefore,any risk-averse investor will diversify to at least some extent,with more risk-averse investors diversifying more completely than less risk-averse investors.Diversification is one of two general techniques for reducing investment risk.The other is hedging.Diversification relies on the lack of a tight positive relationship among the assets' returns,and works even when correlations are near zero or somewhat positive.Hedging relies on negative correlation among assets,or shorting assets with positive correlation.
如果资产的价值并不是完全同步的变化 则一个风险分散的投资组合会比加权组成资产的风险要低 通常要低于组成资产中风险最小的那个资产
因而任何一个风险厌恶的投资者都会至少分散一部分风险 厌恶程度越高 分散风险的程度越高
风险分散是两种降低投资风险的手段之一 另一是套期保值
风险分散是建立在资产间回报率并非完全的正相关关系 (0
Diversification in finance is a risk management technique,related to hedging,that mixes a wide variety of investments within a portfolio.
Diversification in finance means reducing risk by investing in a variety of assets.If the asset values do not move up and down in perfect synchrony,a diversified portfolio will have less risk than the weighted average risk of its constituent assets,often less risk than the least risky of its constituents.Therefore,any risk-averse investor will diversify to at least some extent,with more risk-averse investors diversifying more completely than less risk-averse investors.Diversification is one of two general techniques for reducing investment risk.The other is hedging.Diversification relies on the lack of a tight positive relationship among the assets' returns,and works even when correlations are near zero or somewhat positive.Hedging relies on negative correlation among assets,or shorting assets with positive correlation.
如果资产的价值并不是完全同步的变化 则一个风险分散的投资组合会比加权组成资产的风险要低 通常要低于组成资产中风险最小的那个资产
因而任何一个风险厌恶的投资者都会至少分散一部分风险 厌恶程度越高 分散风险的程度越高
风险分散是两种降低投资风险的手段之一 另一是套期保值
风险分散是建立在资产间回报率并非完全的正相关关系 (0
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