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The just now custom class dawdle,floats the competition date to incite.The family has the good and bad fortune,is sure need to win different.Expense of the marital funeral,China of the vehicle clothing diet,moves uses up the year old capital,is rich by the camp date.Also the servant brings the gold and jade,concubine clothes Luo Qi,the beginning take to create as wonderfully,latter before as Li.High and low in any case,not duplicate grade.Now transports is the reform,thinks juan toward the shortcoming.Counter-Piao Huanchun,accepts the people rules and standards.May measure the matter to have sets up the strip type,causes thrifty to attain.elects from Northern Song Dynasty Emperor Wen Xuan
看了 帮忙翻译一下顷者风俗流宕,浮...的网友还看了以下:

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甲乙两人月工资相差160元,甲的月工资的1/5与乙的月工资的1/7相等,甲乙两人的月工资各是多少?  2020-05-14 …

今有6支球队进行单循环赛,每两个队赛且仅赛一场,胜者得3分,负者得0分,平局各得l分.比赛结束,各  2020-06-06 …

南北朝时期的数学古籍《张邱建算经》有如下一道题:“今有十等人,每等一人,宫赐金以等次差(即等差)降  2020-06-09 …

帮忙翻译一下顷者风俗流宕,浮竞日滋.家有吉凶,务求胜异.婚姻丧葬之费,车服饮食之华,动竭岁资,以营  2020-07-01 …

已知数列an是等差数列,且a6=4,a14=64,设a6,a14的等差中项为x,a6、x等差中项为y  2020-10-31 …

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等差数列与等比数列之间是存在某种结构的类比关系的,例如从定义看,或者从通项公式看,都可以发现这种类比  2020-11-29 …

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什么叫奇数项都说能被2整除的为偶数反之为奇数但是我看到些资料情况没这么简单或者有其他什么隐含条件25  2020-12-02 …