早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
But some parents may like the idea of keeping a child away from what they see as a troubled high school.
就是这句话.这篇是美国报纸上的.话题是关于 online education
用5行左右explain the sentence就可以了..谢谢!
But some parents may like the idea of keeping a child away from what they see as a troubled high school.
就是这句话.这篇是美国报纸上的.话题是关于 online education
用5行左右explain the sentence就可以了..谢谢!
Parents always want their child to be excellent.
That's maybe the first and most important reason why parents force their child to pursue sth they cherished or kbe far off sth they disgusted with without listening their child's truly needs.
Keeping their child away from what they see as a troubled high school is one way that most parents make they theimselves feel at ease.
That's maybe the first and most important reason why parents force their child to pursue sth they cherished or kbe far off sth they disgusted with without listening their child's truly needs.
Keeping their child away from what they see as a troubled high school is one way that most parents make they theimselves feel at ease.
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