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The characteristics of the wine store in sea:
Compared with the wine store in storage or basement, The sea has a constant temperature and humidity environment, it can make the wine more stable.And the wine can become more soft and mellow because the marine microbial community is very rich .Cellaring the dynamic marine environment, the wine tastes more rich and smooth because the ocean tide and the natural pressure can increase molecular collision.
The suitable depth and utensil
there are two kinds of position in sea: the first one is hanging up the cage in the sea.This way is suitable for the low-capacity, gentle waves .It's easy to water shaking wine cage and also can prenvent the cage drifting away. Another way is put the cage on the ground in the sea, this method is suitable for the high-capacity ,gentle slope of the sea.Different coastline has different suitable depth, if the temperature in 9 to 15 ° C,the depth is relatively appropriate.
No matter which method, the peripheral both need to use anticorrosion of the stainless steel cage ,the perfect thing is the wine cage also use anticorrosion material.Inside the wine cage ,we need use the bottle or cask, to be on the safe side, the bottle and cask need sealing wax.
Matters need attention
we should have the professional staff check the cage regularly.
In order to avoid the accident, we should install cameras.
At present the mainstream opinion is age of wine shoud not be more than ten years,and every one to two years, need to random check, and make sure the quality and flavour .
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