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英语作文:假如你在小岛上,你可带5样东西,并分别写出这5样东西的作用.的作文.发自 曾X嘉
If i have to take this challengeble choice,i will take those five things with me.
First,a bag of ship bisuit.The reason is clear.Because i need to eat.Ship biscuit is specially designed for people who cannot carry a lot of food but still need energy and nutritions.It is light,but full of energy.Well,the second thing,I think it will be a long knife.I didnt mention water,as there must be waterland arround me,so i can drink when im thirsty.I didnt choose a gun,because although it can kill dangerous animals like a knife,but it cannot cut things that i need,like wood,fruit,or other things necessary.The thrid thing should be a lighter.A new one by the way(so i can use it longer).It will be important because it can help you to cook food and make u warm when you are old,im not good at drilling wood to make fire actually.Another reason is that i can burn the wood and send signals to cities or ships that see me,so i dont have to stay in the island anymore.The forth thing will be an umbrella.Just to prevent from rain and snow,when necessary.The last one will be a quilt.I might be feeling cold,and illness can cause me death,so i need to ensure i am warm enough.
I think these are the priorities,and i wish i could leave the island as soon as possible.
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