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陈述部分为I think that...如何构成反意疑问句
说明:引用此文请注明出处,并务请保留后面的有效链接地址,如果陈述部分为I think that...,那么该如何构成反意问句呢?请看题:I don’t think that he cares,__________?A.do I B.does,he C.don’t I D.doesn’t he 此题应选 B.容易误选A.当陈述部分为主从复合句时,其反意问句要注意以下情况:1.对于一般的主从复合句,其反意问句通常与主句保持一致.如:She says that I did it,doesn’t she?她说那是我干的,是吗?He thinks that the price is too high,doesn’t he?他认为这价格太高了,是吗?He told you that the meeting would be put off,didn’t he?他告诉你会议要延期,是吗?2.当陈述部分的主句为 I think,I suppose,I believe等结构时,反意问句通常与从句保持一致(注意否定的转移).如:I think that he is wrong,isn’t he?我认为他错了,是吗(他错了吗)?I don’t think he likes it,does he?我认为他不喜欢它,是吗(他喜欢吗)?注意:有时可见以下特殊形式的问句:I think he is wrong,don’t you?此句摘自《朗文当代英语词典》,其大意为:我认为他错了,你说呢?其实此句中的don’t you?相当于 don’t you think so?引用地址: