早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
原文:My frustration was exacerbated when I realized that many of my fellow Home Depot shoppers,some of whom had seemed to me to have the intellectual capacity of the two-by-fours they were buying,were effortlessly tackling and successfully completing projects far more complex than mine.
原文:My frustration was exacerbated when I realized that many of my fellow Home Depot shoppers,some of whom had seemed to me to have the intellectual capacity of the two-by-fours they were buying,were effortlessly tackling and successfully completing projects far more complex than mine.
two-by-four 这里虽没说单位,不过,去建材商店买木材的朋友,应该知道,木材是以多宽和多厚为规格的,因此这里不可能是英尺,而是
4英寸宽 x 2英寸厚
我们中文一说表达是 2 x 4 寸方材
4英寸宽 x 2英寸厚
我们中文一说表达是 2 x 4 寸方材
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