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                                                               Customs on Eating
      Food in China and western countries is different.China has about 5,000 years' history.They may spend
half of their time on food.Chinese people choose food very carefully.They only use fresh materials (新鲜的材料) to make food.For example,they only eat fresh fish.Chinese have a lot of ideas for cooking.They can
cook a chicken in over ten ways.That's why Chinese food is so popular around the world.Western countries,
like England or America,don't have fresh food because they buy their food from supermarkets which only sell
stored materials (储存的材料).Western people also prefer fast food like hamburgers and chips.They are
unhealthy for man's body.Western people do not have many skills for cooking,mostly they only boil,steam
(蒸) and bake the food.By the way,western people are very good at making desserts and chocolate.They
can make very good cakes and chocolate.These food are very sweet and they can make you become fat
     In China,the person who invites other people for meal would pay for the meal,but it's not the same way
in western countries.In western countries,people will think you only invite them but don't need to pay for
them.They can afford it.They won't be happy if you pay for them.In western countries like America or
England,people will always give tips (小费) to the waiter after they finish the meal in a restaurant.If you don't,
the waiter will not be happy.In China this only happens in some top restaurants and hotels in large cities like
Beijing,Shanghai and Guangzhou.
     Another difference in eating is that:Chinese people use chopsticks and western people use knives and
     Chinese people only have three meals during a day.But western people may have more.They usually have
afternoon tea when they would have fruit,cakes or biscuits with cheese (奶酪饼干).
1.Do Chinese people use fresh materials or stored materials to make food? 
2.Why is Chinese food so popular in the world?
3.What kinds of foods are western people good at making?
4.Will western people be happy if you pay for them?
5.How many meals do Chinese people have during a day? 
1.They use fresh materials.
2.Because Chinese have a lot ideas for cooking.
3.They can make very good cakes,desserts and chocolate.
4.No,they won't.
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