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我自己为了熟悉新单词 写的文章 挑挑错啊
So today I feel very happy,because,i meet a very pretty and outgoing girl.Her name is snoy,she's skinny.and her character in my eyes is quite perfect.She's a represntative one of school girl.Her trait is her long and beautiful hair.And we have been together for three years.I always made her angry,but she just cried and then after a few days.Her tolerance still made us to be together.Our cooperativeness is always the best one in our class.I think her dependability attacks me.Your know she also have some vision.So even her marks is not as good as me,her competency still stronger than me.Teacher usually says that her fair-mindadness is her advantage,and there are so many airtue in her bahavior.And now she's definitely my best friend.And recently,she send me a album of her trip.She's very beautiful in the photos,with her parents and the wonderful sight.I believe i'll never have depression,because when I feel bad,our friendship will makes me happy.Our interpersonal development always makes me proud,the reason of which is that I have such a good girl friend as snoy.I think there's can't be another one have resemblance with snoy.呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵
What above mentioned is my feeling now,and my story.All of them have come ture in my life.
谢谢哥哥姐姐了 哪里错了 错在哪里 麻烦给指出来 了 尽量别说大学的知识 ,呵呵
So today I feel very happy,because,i meet a very pretty and outgoing girl.Her name is snoy,she's skinny.and her character in my eyes is quite perfect.She's a represntative one of school girl.Her trait is her long and beautiful hair.And we have been together for three years.I always made her angry,but she just cried and then after a few days.Her tolerance still made us to be together.Our cooperativeness is always the best one in our class.I think her dependability attacks me.Your know she also have some vision.So even her marks is not as good as me,her competency still stronger than me.Teacher usually says that her fair-mindadness is her advantage,and there are so many airtue in her bahavior.And now she's definitely my best friend.And recently,she send me a album of her trip.She's very beautiful in the photos,with her parents and the wonderful sight.I believe i'll never have depression,because when I feel bad,our friendship will makes me happy.Our interpersonal development always makes me proud,the reason of which is that I have such a good girl friend as snoy.I think there's can't be another one have resemblance with snoy.呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵
What above mentioned is my feeling now,and my story.All of them have come ture in my life.
谢谢哥哥姐姐了 哪里错了 错在哪里 麻烦给指出来 了 尽量别说大学的知识 ,呵呵
学哥或学姐你这哥文章有个问题虽然我上初二但是我一眼就看出来了,整个事情你不觉得发生过了?,i meet a very pretty and outgoing girl.Her name is snoy,she's skinny你结识了一个女孩,后文又说we have been togetherfor three years我们在一起有三年了明显动作发生过了?前文动词要变化
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