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问一个有关债券的问题 同学做的 但是觉得有的地方想探究下 感觉总是怪怪的?
A governmenthas issued a set of Treasury bonds which have exactly 4 years to maturity.Thecoupon rate on these bonds is 3.5% per year and coupons are paid annually.Theface value of the Treasury Bond is $1000.Below are the prices of zero-couponbonds with identical face value to the Treasury bond:
Maturity Price
1 963.855
2 926.337
3 888.996
4 863.073
(a) Thecurrent market price for the Treasury bond is $985.Is this price fair?
(b) If the answer tothe above is `no',devise a trading strategy that can be used to generate profits
(a)不说了折下 是990.548
Because 990.548〉985
So the price is not fair.
(b) he trading strategy should be:
At the first year we sold out a one year maturity zerocoupons T-bonds that worth 35 pounds,and two years,three years’ T -bondsrespectively (all worth 35pounds),plus a four years maturity T-bonds of1035pounds and get the present value of 990.548,Then we can buy the Treasurybond with the market price of 985.
感觉总是哪儿有问题.这种说法 是不是不对.
如果是对的能否详细解释下为啥今天卖了35X4+1000债券 又折到今天是990.548 不太懂
A governmenthas issued a set of Treasury bonds which have exactly 4 years to maturity.Thecoupon rate on these bonds is 3.5% per year and coupons are paid annually.Theface value of the Treasury Bond is $1000.Below are the prices of zero-couponbonds with identical face value to the Treasury bond:
Maturity Price
1 963.855
2 926.337
3 888.996
4 863.073
(a) Thecurrent market price for the Treasury bond is $985.Is this price fair?
(b) If the answer tothe above is `no',devise a trading strategy that can be used to generate profits
(a)不说了折下 是990.548
Because 990.548〉985
So the price is not fair.
(b) he trading strategy should be:
At the first year we sold out a one year maturity zerocoupons T-bonds that worth 35 pounds,and two years,three years’ T -bondsrespectively (all worth 35pounds),plus a four years maturity T-bonds of1035pounds and get the present value of 990.548,Then we can buy the Treasurybond with the market price of 985.
感觉总是哪儿有问题.这种说法 是不是不对.
如果是对的能否详细解释下为啥今天卖了35X4+1000债券 又折到今天是990.548 不太懂
The bond fair price should be 990.55,which is greater than the market price 985.That is,the bond is under-priced.We would long (hold) the bond,and short (sell short) those zero-coupon bonds.
buy the Treasury at the price 985.
short one year zero-coupon bond that has face value $35;
short two year zero-coupon bond that has face value $35;
short three year zero-coupon bond that has face value $35;
short four year zero-coupon bond that has face value $1035;
This is a risk-free arbitrage.
buy the Treasury at the price 985.
short one year zero-coupon bond that has face value $35;
short two year zero-coupon bond that has face value $35;
short three year zero-coupon bond that has face value $35;
short four year zero-coupon bond that has face value $1035;
This is a risk-free arbitrage.
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