早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


      Hi! My name is Jack. I'm (1)A            . I'm from New York. Now I'm a (2)s            in China. I like
Beijing (3)O            very much. I think I can (4)l             a lot about Chinese (5)h              from it. So I
often go to watch it on (6)w             with my Chinese friends. I (7)f              in China young people don't
like it. I also like Chinese (8)a             movies too. I (9)r             like the actor Jackie Chen. He is funny
and he is also a very (10)s              actor in the world.
1.American  2.student  3.Opera  4.learn  5.history 6.weekends  7.find  8.action  9.really  10.successful