早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
The obligation to maintain confidentiality is also applied to internal facts of the other party with or without regard to the subject matter of the contract of which one party takes notice in the course of the co-operation.
8.This confidentiality agreement will come into force when it has been signed by both parties.The obligation to maintain confidentiality ends after a period of 10 years starting with the date of passing-on of the relevant confidential information.
Internal facts of the other party without regard to the subject matter of the contract of which one party takes notice in the course of the co-operation shall be treated as confidential with no temporal restriction.
The obligation to maintain confidentiality is also applied to internal facts of the other party with or without regard to the subject matter of the contract of which one party takes notice in the course of the co-operation.
8.This confidentiality agreement will come into force when it has been signed by both parties.The obligation to maintain confidentiality ends after a period of 10 years starting with the date of passing-on of the relevant confidential information.
Internal facts of the other party without regard to the subject matter of the contract of which one party takes notice in the course of the co-operation shall be treated as confidential with no temporal restriction.
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