早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
A badminton match 10am regards iviting 14 October go meet dear 选择
____Lili ____________
Thanks a lot for ______me to watch the ______tomorrow moming.i would love to _____with you.Let's______outside the school gate at ____.I'm loooking forward to seeing you.
B.It is three o'clock on a Sunday afternoon.You are doing some housework.Your mother has gone shopping.You have just recived a phone call from a friedng and he asked you to go and watch a football match with him.Nobody else is at home.You decide to go to the football match and leave a note for your mother.
(eat out refrigerator mop the floor soap powder gas cooker
watch a football match washing machine iron the clothes
Dear Mum ___________
中间有个received 和一个friend打多了!大家可以不用写上面那题了
A badminton match 10am regards iviting 14 October go meet dear 选择
____Lili ____________
Thanks a lot for ______me to watch the ______tomorrow moming.i would love to _____with you.Let's______outside the school gate at ____.I'm loooking forward to seeing you.
B.It is three o'clock on a Sunday afternoon.You are doing some housework.Your mother has gone shopping.You have just recived a phone call from a friedng and he asked you to go and watch a football match with him.Nobody else is at home.You decide to go to the football match and leave a note for your mother.
(eat out refrigerator mop the floor soap powder gas cooker
watch a football match washing machine iron the clothes
Dear Mum ___________
中间有个received 和一个friend打多了!大家可以不用写上面那题了
Dear Lily 14th October
Thanks a lot for inviting me to watch the badminton match tomorrow morning.i would love to go with you.Let's meet outside the school gate at 10am.I'm looking forward to seeing you.
Dear Mum,Sunday
I just received a phone call from my friend.He invited me to go and watch a football match with him.It’s three o’clock now and the football match will start at four o’clock.After this match,my friend and I will eat out.So please don’t wait for me to have dinner.I will be back around eight o’clock.
Xiao Ming
Thanks a lot for inviting me to watch the badminton match tomorrow morning.i would love to go with you.Let's meet outside the school gate at 10am.I'm looking forward to seeing you.
Dear Mum,Sunday
I just received a phone call from my friend.He invited me to go and watch a football match with him.It’s three o’clock now and the football match will start at four o’clock.After this match,my friend and I will eat out.So please don’t wait for me to have dinner.I will be back around eight o’clock.
Xiao Ming
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