早教吧作业答案频道 -->其他-->
1:hamburger healthy favourite lunchbox
2:nurse chocolate warning sick
3:delight weather noise escape
4:holiday cellphone ring movie
5:wine sneeze rude apologize
1:hamburger healthy favourite lunchbox
2:nurse chocolate warning sick
3:delight weather noise escape
4:holiday cellphone ring movie
5:wine sneeze rude apologize
1.Though hamburger is not healthy,it is my favourite food,so I put in in my lunchbox everyday
2.The murse give a warning to the patient that he should not eat too much chocolate,because it can make ever healthy people sick.
3.To my delight,the weather is good today,so I ride my bike to the zoo to escape the noise in the downtown.
4.It is holiday today,my cellphone ring,my friend ask me to watch movie
5.I drank too much wine yesterday,that is why I sneeze today,I sneeze and sneeze in the subway,it is too rude,so I apologize again and again
2.The murse give a warning to the patient that he should not eat too much chocolate,because it can make ever healthy people sick.
3.To my delight,the weather is good today,so I ride my bike to the zoo to escape the noise in the downtown.
4.It is holiday today,my cellphone ring,my friend ask me to watch movie
5.I drank too much wine yesterday,that is why I sneeze today,I sneeze and sneeze in the subway,it is too rude,so I apologize again and again
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