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def get_quantities(orders):
""" (dict of {str:list of str}) -> dict of {str:int}
The orders dict has table names as keys ('t1','t2',and so on) and each value
is a list of foods ordered for that table.
Return a dictionary where each key is a food from orders and each
value is the quantity of that food that was ordered.
>>> get_quantities({'t1':['Vegetarian stew','Poutine','Vegetarian stew'],'t3':['Steak pie','Poutine','Vegetarian stew'],'t4':['Steak pie','Steak pie']})
{'Vegetarian stew':3,'Poutine':2,'Steak pie':3}
food_sums = {}
# Accumulate the food information here.
return food_sums
def get_quantities(orders):
""" (dict of {str:list of str}) -> dict of {str:int}
The orders dict has table names as keys ('t1','t2',and so on) and each value
is a list of foods ordered for that table.
Return a dictionary where each key is a food from orders and each
value is the quantity of that food that was ordered.
>>> get_quantities({'t1':['Vegetarian stew','Poutine','Vegetarian stew'],'t3':['Steak pie','Poutine','Vegetarian stew'],'t4':['Steak pie','Steak pie']})
{'Vegetarian stew':3,'Poutine':2,'Steak pie':3}
food_sums = {}
# Accumulate the food information here.
return food_sums
def get_quantities(orders):
""" (dict of {str: list of str}) -> dict of {str: int}
The orders dict has table names as keys ('t1', 't2', and so on) and each value
is a list of foods ordered for that table.
Return a dictionary where each key is a food from orders and each
value is the quantity of that food that was ordered.
>>> get_quantities({'t1': ['Vegetarian stew', 'Poutine', 'Vegetarian stew'], 't3': ['Steak pie', 'Poutine', 'Vegetarian stew'], 't4': ['Steak pie', 'Steak pie']})
{'Vegetarian stew': 3, 'Poutine': 2, 'Steak pie': 3}
food_sums = {}
# Accumulate the food information here.
for tb, foods in orders.iteritems():
for food in foods:
food_sums[food] = food_sums.get(food, 0) + 1
return food_sums
""" (dict of {str: list of str}) -> dict of {str: int}
The orders dict has table names as keys ('t1', 't2', and so on) and each value
is a list of foods ordered for that table.
Return a dictionary where each key is a food from orders and each
value is the quantity of that food that was ordered.
>>> get_quantities({'t1': ['Vegetarian stew', 'Poutine', 'Vegetarian stew'], 't3': ['Steak pie', 'Poutine', 'Vegetarian stew'], 't4': ['Steak pie', 'Steak pie']})
{'Vegetarian stew': 3, 'Poutine': 2, 'Steak pie': 3}
food_sums = {}
# Accumulate the food information here.
for tb, foods in orders.iteritems():
for food in foods:
food_sums[food] = food_sums.get(food, 0) + 1
return food_sums
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