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谁能提供关于Jim Crow laws的英文的大意总结?
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要Jim Crow laws的英文summary
还有关于Civil Rights Act to 1964的总结 英文的
Jim Crow Laws
The Jim Crow laws were state and local laws in the United States enacted between 1876 and 1965.They mandated de jure racial segregation in all public facilities,with a supposedly "separate but equal" status for black Americans.In reality,this led to treatment and accommodations that were usually inferior to those provided for white Americans,systematizing a number of economic,educational and social disadvantages.
Some examples of Jim Crow laws are the segregation of public schools,public places and public transportation,and the segregation of restrooms and restaurants for whites and blacks.The U.S.military was also segregated.These Jim Crow Laws were separate from the 1800-66 Black Codes,which had also restricted the civil rights and civil liberties of African Americans.State-sponsored school segregation was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court of the United States in 1954 in Brown v.Board of Education.Generally,the remaining Jim Crow laws were overruled by the Civil Rights Act of 1964[1] and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
Civil Rights Act of 1964
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Pub.L.88-352,78 Stat.241,July 2,1964) was a landmark piece of legislation in the United States that extended voting rights and outlawed racial segregation in schools,at the workplace and by facilities that served the general public ("public accommodations").
Once the Act was implemented,its effects were far reaching and had tremendous long-term impacts on the whole country.It prohibited discrimination in public facilities,in government,and in employment,invalidating the Jim Crow laws in the southern U.S.It became illegal to compel segregation of the races in schools,housing,or hiring.
Powers given to enforce the act were initially weak,but were supplemented during later years.Congress asserted its authority to legislate under several different parts of the United States Constitution,principally its power to regulate interstate commerce under Article One (section 8),its duty to guarantee all citizens equal protection of the laws under the Fourteenth Amendment and its duty to protect voting rights under the Fifteenth Amendment.
一定注意,是Civil Right Act of 1964,不是to
The Jim Crow laws were state and local laws in the United States enacted between 1876 and 1965.They mandated de jure racial segregation in all public facilities,with a supposedly "separate but equal" status for black Americans.In reality,this led to treatment and accommodations that were usually inferior to those provided for white Americans,systematizing a number of economic,educational and social disadvantages.
Some examples of Jim Crow laws are the segregation of public schools,public places and public transportation,and the segregation of restrooms and restaurants for whites and blacks.The U.S.military was also segregated.These Jim Crow Laws were separate from the 1800-66 Black Codes,which had also restricted the civil rights and civil liberties of African Americans.State-sponsored school segregation was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court of the United States in 1954 in Brown v.Board of Education.Generally,the remaining Jim Crow laws were overruled by the Civil Rights Act of 1964[1] and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
Civil Rights Act of 1964
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Pub.L.88-352,78 Stat.241,July 2,1964) was a landmark piece of legislation in the United States that extended voting rights and outlawed racial segregation in schools,at the workplace and by facilities that served the general public ("public accommodations").
Once the Act was implemented,its effects were far reaching and had tremendous long-term impacts on the whole country.It prohibited discrimination in public facilities,in government,and in employment,invalidating the Jim Crow laws in the southern U.S.It became illegal to compel segregation of the races in schools,housing,or hiring.
Powers given to enforce the act were initially weak,but were supplemented during later years.Congress asserted its authority to legislate under several different parts of the United States Constitution,principally its power to regulate interstate commerce under Article One (section 8),its duty to guarantee all citizens equal protection of the laws under the Fourteenth Amendment and its duty to protect voting rights under the Fifteenth Amendment.
一定注意,是Civil Right Act of 1964,不是to
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