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At no time 位于句首时,句子是否倒装?
今天做了道外语单项填空题,有题百思不得其解.At no time _ _ _ the role that migrant workers play in the construction and other key services of our city .A.have we denied B.we have denied C.have denied we D.denied have we 当时我选的B 一看答案选A 百度查了at no time 没有倒装的用法.可是为什么选A?
1.因为at no time是“决不,从不”的意思,含有否定语气,且位于句首;
At no time wouldAlexandersmoke.亚历山大从不吸烟.
At not ime and in nocircumstances will China be the first to usenuclear weapons.任何时候,任何情况下,中国决不首先使用核武器.
But, in contrast to the prairievole, at no time do rats learnto associatesexwitha particularfemale.但与草原田鼠相反,家鼠决不会学习把性与某个特定的雌性个体关联起来.