早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Acceptance. Supplier agreesthat all products delivered under this Purchase Agreement will be statisticallythe same as the original delivery unless requested by Sun, and Supplier shalladvise Sun as soon as possible, but no later than five (5) working days priorto shipment, of any change in Supplier's manufacturing process, standardspecification or components used in the product which could reasonably affectthe product's performance in Sun's use. Supplier further agrees that Supplier will not deliver to Sun anyproduct manufactured by, or exchanged with, any other Supplier without thewritten consent of Sun. Sun's acceptanceof product subsequent to such advice shall not constitute approval of the changefor additional shipments unless so confirmed in writing. However, if changes are not acceptable toSun, Sun, at its sole option, may elect to terminate this Purchase Agreementupon fifteen (15) days advance notice.
Acceptance. Supplier agreesthat all products delivered under this Purchase Agreement will be statisticallythe same as the original delivery unless requested by Sun, and Supplier shalladvise Sun as soon as possible, but no later than five (5) working days priorto shipment, of any change in Supplier's manufacturing process, standardspecification or components used in the product which could reasonably affectthe product's performance in Sun's use. Supplier further agrees that Supplier will not deliver to Sun anyproduct manufactured by, or exchanged with, any other Supplier without thewritten consent of Sun. Sun's acceptanceof product subsequent to such advice shall not constitute approval of the changefor additional shipments unless so confirmed in writing. However, if changes are not acceptable toSun, Sun, at its sole option, may elect to terminate this Purchase Agreementupon fifteen (15) days advance notice.
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