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给英语老师写一封道歉信 关于上课不认真听 加翻译
IF i were you, I would personally go to your teacher and apologize verbally with sincere and touching words which can train my englishspeaking. Apologize for not listening carefully in the class . If I were your teacher, I would, eventually forgive you .

However, I am not trying to be harsh with you ,I hope your problem gets solved .so if you teacher recommended that you write a apologize letter, just see the following:

Dear my teacher(name)

i am very ashamed of not listening carefully to your class of english. yes I'm a slacker, but I want to change.Maybe it 's a tough and challenging job for me ,but I realise this was totally my mistask and i would stop playing mobile phone in your class and be more studious and hardworking in english studying.it's not irrealizable promise,i will make my promise come true.
I just want to ask you to forgive me because you have such positive effect on me ,without your helf i would never get proper education .I know i did wrong .
Sorry again
Yours sincerely
But this is not the end ,after that ,make sure that you do what you said you would do, and made a big change .


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