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辣妈辣妹(Freaky Friday)英文影评.
To make Freaky Friday work perfectly; you would have to believe that Jamie Lee Curtis is Lindsay Lohan and Lindsay Lohan is Jamie Lee Curtis.Although at times it seemed that way,at other times,it just seemed like Lohan was trying to be Curtis and Curtis was trying to be Lohan.Any way you look at it,Freaky Friday is a family-friendly film that tries to please everyone,and does.It pleases shallow teen prep girls because of Chad Michael Murray.It pleases teen boys because of Lindsay Lohan.It pleases older men because of a Jamie Lee Curtis thong shot.It pleases older women because of Mark Harmon.It pleases the whole family,being that they already saw Finding Nemo and it's the only other family movie out there.
Tess Coleman (Jamie Lee Curtis) (changed from Ellen Andrews from the novel by Mary Rodgers) is a harried psychiatrist who still has time for her family.Anna Colemen (Lohan) (changed from Annabel Andrews) is supposed to be a typical teenager (but is anything but),and has daily fights with her younger brother Harry (Ryan Malgarini) (changed from Ben Andrews).Tess is going to marry Ryan (Harmon),because her husband died three years ago (can't there be a Disney movie with both parents still alive?),of whom Anna doesn't approve.After a fueled feud,Tess and Anna open fortune cookies that switch bodies:Tess is in Anna's body,and vice versa.Whatever will be done?
Although most people have praised Curtis for her accurate portrayal of a typical teen (although with the people at my school,what she does is anything but typical),and she should be,Lohan does better at being an adult.If Lohan,a teenager,could be an adult so well,that's rather scary.I thought at most times Lohan was Tess,but Curtis was having too much fun as Anna to really be thought of as great.Instead of acting like Lohan,Curtis just acts like a young kid who just ate too much ice cream.
One part of Freaky Friday that I didn't like is how often we were put in an awkward situation.And when they were there,they just didn't seem plausible.All of a sudden,Anna-as-Tess is a guest on a talk show,talks to someone she has a crush on,and watches Tess-as-Anna perform?Not only were they awkward,they were just not believable.On the other hand,Freaky Friday not only has some genuinely funny moments,but is also quite touching at times.Obviously,it was going to be,and Tess and Anna were going to learn to respect each other,considering it was shown in the trailer.
One other part I didn't like was how far it strayed from the book.It only focused on Anna-as-Tess (Annabel-as-Ellen),and how she spent her day.Of course,back then she was a housewife,but now she has to be a successful doctor.I do admire it for changing it,unlike others,which is basically watching the book.Overall,Freaky Friday is a likable,pleasant 90-minute diverter.It won't change your life,but you won't be upset you saw it.
Tess Coleman (Jamie Lee Curtis) (changed from Ellen Andrews from the novel by Mary Rodgers) is a harried psychiatrist who still has time for her family.Anna Colemen (Lohan) (changed from Annabel Andrews) is supposed to be a typical teenager (but is anything but),and has daily fights with her younger brother Harry (Ryan Malgarini) (changed from Ben Andrews).Tess is going to marry Ryan (Harmon),because her husband died three years ago (can't there be a Disney movie with both parents still alive?),of whom Anna doesn't approve.After a fueled feud,Tess and Anna open fortune cookies that switch bodies:Tess is in Anna's body,and vice versa.Whatever will be done?
Although most people have praised Curtis for her accurate portrayal of a typical teen (although with the people at my school,what she does is anything but typical),and she should be,Lohan does better at being an adult.If Lohan,a teenager,could be an adult so well,that's rather scary.I thought at most times Lohan was Tess,but Curtis was having too much fun as Anna to really be thought of as great.Instead of acting like Lohan,Curtis just acts like a young kid who just ate too much ice cream.
One part of Freaky Friday that I didn't like is how often we were put in an awkward situation.And when they were there,they just didn't seem plausible.All of a sudden,Anna-as-Tess is a guest on a talk show,talks to someone she has a crush on,and watches Tess-as-Anna perform?Not only were they awkward,they were just not believable.On the other hand,Freaky Friday not only has some genuinely funny moments,but is also quite touching at times.Obviously,it was going to be,and Tess and Anna were going to learn to respect each other,considering it was shown in the trailer.
One other part I didn't like was how far it strayed from the book.It only focused on Anna-as-Tess (Annabel-as-Ellen),and how she spent her day.Of course,back then she was a housewife,but now she has to be a successful doctor.I do admire it for changing it,unlike others,which is basically watching the book.Overall,Freaky Friday is a likable,pleasant 90-minute diverter.It won't change your life,but you won't be upset you saw it.
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