Once upon a time in the forest there lived a baby elephant who had no friends. None of the animals wanted to be his friend because he was too large.
One day a wild fire happened in the forest. The animals ran to safer places. The dry trees caught fire and the fire was sure to go all around the forest. The baby elephant ran to the nearest river collected much water in his trunk(象鼻) and rushed to the burning trees. He sprayed(喷) the water on the fore. Finally he put out the fire.
Later while he was resting after the hard job all the animals and birds came to him and expressed their thanks for his kind help in time. They were now ready to regard him as their good friend and their hero. They said “A friend in need is a friend indeed.”
The baby elephant was happy to get so many friends and played games with them. He walked through the forest carrying several small animals and birds on his back.
1. Why did the baby elephant have no friends at first?
2. Where did the wild fire happen?
3. Who put out the fire in the end?
4. At last did all the other animals regard the baby elephant as a good friend?
5. What can we learn from the story?
1. Because he was too large.
2. In the forest.
3. The baby elephant.
4. Yes. / Yes they did.
>5. A friend in need is a friend indeed. /…
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