So it is exam time once again! Everyone whether a kid or an adult has at least a little bit of pressure of exams and it is just that some show it while others do not.So the most important tip is to relax and not take too much stress. 1 Here are some study tips for high school students as well as study tips for college students.
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The most common mistake that students make is that they start studying a day or two before exams! No portion can be covered not even halfway if you study only two days before exams.So what most of the students do is study only the so-called important points.As a result even if the paper is easy you get a low score only because you didn't know the entire contents! 3 If time does not perait you to learn your lessons at least go through them regularly.This way you will be familiar with the syllabus and won't find it difficult to understand then at the last minute.
●Follow effective techniques
There are some easy techniques to study well like read the lesson casually at least twice.And while reading mark the important points with a pencil and move on. 4 Before going to exams read only the underlined points.This is one of the last minute study tips for exams.
●Relaxation techniques
Don't study continuously instead of taking some breaks.Just go for minimum 5 minutes to maximum 8 minutes breaks needed an hour in your studies. 5 During an exam use the few minutes before you are allowed to begin to do some simple relaxation and breathingexercises sit back and separate yourself mentally from those who are getting anxious.
A.Study beforehand
B.Prepare a good timetable
C.So start studying at least a month before the exams.
D.It will make your mind fresh and active then you will find interest in studying.
E.Revising for exams is about more than just reading through the notes you made in class.
F.But a little bit of pressure is always necessary as it is good for us and helps us perform well.
G.When you start reading for the second time read those underlined points first and then the rest of the text.
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