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《马达加斯加2》英文版 观后感,也要用英文写的
In fact,with the animals,like humans,have a family,friendship,love,happiness,sadness,anger,difference is,they are sometimes even more lovely than human beings.This is the reading cartoon "Madagascar 2" after the sentiment.
Will be Alex the lion dance,a unique spot马玛蒂,shy,and gentle giraffe hippo Miss unparalleled harmonious composition of the team,the aircraft they were traveling penguins,occasionally fell on the African grasslands,Alex found his parents,and his father is the king of the grassland,because the only dancing Eric was one the Lions defeat the strong,the whole family was out of the family.Alex In order to protect the area you find water,his father's anxious to find Lissouba he has experienced many ups and downs brave Lissouba and his son finally blow up the dam,to find water,regained the throne,protected areas to allow animals saved.Film is indeed a very interesting,and now continues to smile back.Can you imagine the wisdom of Penguin qualify against vehicles,aircraft building,manufacturing scandal it?Can you imagine the black white and black zebra pattern of the zebra Aedes What is the difference between you?......"Madagascar 2" from the side reveals the arbitrary destruction of human nature,not to animals when a bad friend.Also reflect the animal to comply with the principle of solidarity,I would like to do a lot of thoughtful human unexpected,impossible,impossible things.The film regardless of the animals reduced to what extent,do not give up on themselves,compared with the human is more tenacious!You can also Received
"Madagascar 2" tells us human beings is not without shortcomings,there are many less than human to the other study.At the same time,it also tells us:human beings only with other "friends" to join to survive,be more perfect,and create a better future!
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