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四、 短文填词

       Barbara couldn’t  stand it any more. Her upstairs neighbor was p 1 music again. She had asked him twice already to t 2 it down. The first time she asked he was s 3 . He said he didn't know that she could hear his music. “Yes ” she said “it's just like your stereo (立体声音响) was in my living room. I could h 4 every note (音符) !” He said he would keep it down. But the next day he still played music loudly. She went upstairs to r 5 him of his promise. He said the volume (音量) was so low t 6 he could hardly hear it. She asked him to turn it down. He said he would try. When she went back to her house the music was louder.

      So this was the t 7 time. She took her baseball bat upstairs with her. She k 8 very loudly on his door. When he opened the door she s 9 at him like a crazy person. She told him she would kill him i 10 he didn't turn the music dowa His eyes got big.

      She went back downstairs. She couldn’t hear a note. “I can't believe I said that ” she said to herself.

1.  2.  3.  4.  5.

6.  7.  8.  9.  10.

四、 短文填词阅读提示:本文记叙了芭芭拉无法忍受楼上邻居播放音乐,她两次请他把音量调低。可是他却把音量调得更高。对此,芭芭拉非常气愤。第三次,芭芭拉拿着棒球拍去找他,并威胁他,如果不调低音乐的音量,将...