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The secret in re-remembering is to allow the full power of your memory to flow freely without “trying” to remember any one specific (特定的) thing.
I recently sat down to a relaxed and enjoyable dinner with some friends.At the beginning of the meal,a friend told us that his car had just been broken into and his briefcase (公文包) had been stolen.He was frustrated (懊恼的) because his diary and a number of other items (物品) important to him were in the briefcase.He said he could remember only four items that were in his stolen briefcase,that he knew there were many more,that he had to give a full report to the police within two hours,and that the more he tried to remember the more blocked he became.
Several of us at the table who were familiar with Memory Principles (规则) then took him through the following exercise:instead of continuing to allow him to think of what he could not remember,we asked him when had last had his briefcase open.It turned out that it was at the office just before he left work,at which point he suddenly remembered that ' had put two important magazine articles in the briefcase.We then asked him when he had last had the briefcase open before leaving home for work.It turned out to have been the night before,and h he remembered pens,pencils,letters and a number of other items that he had completely “forgotten” before.
Within 20 minutes,he remembered 18 additional items.
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