早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1):Have you ever tried_____with your left hand?
A:to write B:to be writing C:writing D:and write
2):Your plan could mean_____time .
A:wasting B:to waste C:waste D:wasted
3):___a decent job,he has to offer his application forms to many large companies.
A:Hunt for B:Hunting for C:To hunt for D:Hunted for
4):I don't swim now,but I ___when I was a child.
A:used to it B:uesd to doing it C:uesd to D:uesd to do
5):The workers went to strike against the governmen't plan___the government's plan____the prices of daily necessities.
A:raising B:raises C:raise D:to raise
6):I don't know whether you happen___but I am going to study in Germany next year.
A:to be heard B:to be hearing C:to hear D:to have heard
7):I prefer to live in the county than___in the city.
A:to live B:living C:live D:lived
8):____by the beauty of sunset ,the artist decided to spend another day there.
A:Attracting B:Attracted C:To be attracted D:Having attracted
9):It is neccessary ____the novel Harry Potter immediately.
A:that he returns B:for him to return C:his returning D:to him return
10):I read B:read C:for read D:being read
10):I really want to get something interesting____during the summer wacations.
A:to read B:read C:for read D:being read
1):Have you ever tried_____with your left hand?
A:to write
try to do sth/try doing sth.
2):Your plan could mean_____time .
mean to do打算做
mean doing意味着
3):___a decent job,he has to offer his application forms to many large companies.
C:To hunt for
4):I don't swim now,but I ___when I was a child.
C:uesd to
used to do 过去常做 这里承前省略(swim)
5):The workers went to strike against the governmen't plan____the prices of daily necessities.
D:to raise
6):I don't know whether you happen___but I am going to study in Germany next year.
D:to have heard
happen to do 偶然做某事,这里是不定式的完成式,表示过去完成的动作.
7):I prefer to live in the county than___in the city.
prefer to do (rather) than do
8):____by the beauty of sunset ,the artist decided to spend another day there.
过去分词作状语,因为the artist是被attract的.
9):It is neccessary ____the novel Harry Potter immediately.
B:for him to return
A把动词改为原型就对了,可以构成虚拟语气.B是It's necessary for sb to do st.句型.
10):I really want to get somehing interesting____during the summer wacations.
A:to read
something interesting to read
读起来有趣的东西,这里考查不定代词用不定式作定语,并且在意思上没有被动的成分,选to read.
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