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bird again求英文高手 越快越好
Birds Again
by Jim Harrison
A secret came a week ago though I already
knew it just beyond the bruised lips of consciousness.
The very alive souls of thirty-five hundred dead birds
are harbored in my body.It’s not uncomfortable.
I’m only temporary habitat for these not-quite-
weightless creatures.I offered a wordless invitation
and now they’re roosting within me,recalling
how I had watched them at night
in fall and spring passing across earth moons,
little clouds of black confetti,chattering and singing
on their way north or south.Now in my dreams
I see from the air the rumpled green and beige,
the watery face of earth as if they’re carrying
me rather than me carrying them.Next winter
I’ll release them near the estuary west of Alvarado
and south of Veracruz.I can see them perching
on undiscovered Olmec heads.We’ll say goodbye
and I’ll return my dreams to earth.
这诗写得很含蓄啊...字面上讲的就是诗人一周前晚上看到一群鸟,然后他就一直在想着这群鸟(个人是这么理解的...不然那群鸟怎么在他心里"住下"了?虽然我不明白为什么是"死鸟"= =),诗人很喜欢想起这群鸟.这让他想起以前它们在从月亮下掠过的身影...于是他就在梦里随着这群飞得很快的鸟,飞过池塘("the watery face of earth"),在他梦里的鸟就好像带着他一起飞一样.诗的结尾就把梦和现实结合在一起,最后梦醒来(看到最后一句才知道这句话原来是在写梦里的场景...地名都写出来了这作者有才啊),全诗结束.
ps:那个"beyond the bruised lips of consciousness"个人理解是指潜意识.但是这么理解的话第一部分不就是指梦里的场景了!算是一个bug吧...>