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Ⅴ.类文赏读.It was Mary's thirteenthbirthday.In the
Ⅴ.类文赏读.It was Mary's thirteenthbirthday.In the morning shereceived ane-mailfro m her uncle."Dear Mary,"he wrote init,"Happy birthday!I'm sendingyous ome chickens.They will arrive inthe afternoon.I hope youlike them.Uncle Toby." Mary was very pleased.She likedeatingeggs and chicken."I cankeep the chickens fortheireggs or chicken,"she thought.The chickens arrivedinthe afternoon.Theywere in a box.Mary wasvery h appy.She tookthe boxoff the carand began tocarry it into hergarden,but the boxwas soheavy that she dropped it.The box fellonto the ground and broke.The chickensallran out.Theyran everywhere and it took Mary hour sto catchthem.The next day heruncle came.He asked,"Did the chickens arrive safely?" " Yes,but I droppedthe box.It was openand the chickens ranhere and ther e.I spent three hours lookingfor them."Mary said."Didyoufindall of them?"askedher uncle."Ihope so," Maryanswered,"but I onlycaught eleven of them." "That's very interesting.Ionly sent yousix,"heruncle said witha smile.根据短文内容补全句子,每空一词.1.Mary got some chickens from her uncle_____ her_____ birthday.2.Chickens were sent to Mary's home by_____ .3.Mary dropped the_____andall the chickens_____ _____.4.It took Mary_____ _____ to catch her chickens.5.Mary caught_____chickens,but_____of them were not hers.
1.on,thirteenth 2.sending 3.box,ran out 4.three hours 5.eleven,five