win an Oscar | mark the beginning of | act | all-time |
the lead role | become a ballet dancer | her last few years | pass away |
catch | go beyond | world-famous | enter |
As a child Audrey Hepburn loved dancing and dreamt of 1)__________________ . She had also been a model before she (2)__________________ the film industry. In 1951 while (3)___________ in France Audrey met the famous writer Colette. Audrey's beauty and charm (4)„__________________________ the writer's attention. Colette insisted that Audrey was the perfect girl for(5)____________________________ in Gigi a play based upon her novel. That event(6)________________________ Audrey's successful career. Audrey became (7)_____________________ for her role in Roman Holiday in 1953. This film was a big success and she 8)_____________________ . Audrey's achievements 9____________________ the film industry. She spent 10).____________________ „ on charity work. Audrey__________________________ peacefully in Switzerland in 1993. She had made a total of 31 high quality movies. She is always thought as one of Hollywood's
10____________________ greatest actresses.
1. becoming a ballet dancer 2. entered
3. acting 4. caught
5. the lead role 6. marked the beginning of
7. world-famous 8. won an Oscar
9. went beyond 10. her last few years
11. passed away 12. all-time
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