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3.1.Purpose of Vocabulary Teaching in Middle School
According to China’s Middle English Teaching Syllabus, a middle school student must learn English and acquire five skills of the language before he graduates from the middle school. The five skills include listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation, which are all based on a great amount of English vocabulary. Because no matter how well a student learns the sounds and grammar, he cannot communicate in a meaningful way without a considerable amount of words. The more considerable amount of vocabulary we learn, the better the five skills of English language we would acquire. It is frustrating for intermediate learners when they discover they cannot communicate effectively because they do not know enough words they need. So learning words and knowing how to use them is quite challenging.
Nowadays, people are paying more and more attention to the importance of vocabulary teaching and learning. Wilkins (1972) points out, ‘without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.’ Krashen (1981) refers to this as ‘comprehensible input.’ Rivers (1983) thinks that the acquisition of an adequate vocabulary is essential for the successful second language us. From River’s point, without an extensive vocabulary we will not be able to use the structures and functions we have learned from comprehensible communication. So having a reasonable vocabulary base is the result of development of communicative approaches to language teaching.
When we say one knows a language, we mean he knows what words and morphemes are in that 1anguage.These basic units of meanings constitute the vocabulary. It is true that learning vocabulary is a rather complex process in a target language. According to Michael J.Wallace (Practical Language Teaching,1982) ,to ‘know’ a word may mean the ability to:
a. recognize it in its spoken or written form;
b. relate it to an appropriate object or concept;
c. use it in the appropriate grammatical form;
d. in speech, pronounce it in a recognizable way;
e. in writing, spell it correctly;
f. use it at the appropriate level of formality;
g. be aware of its connotation and association;
h. use it with the words it correctly goes with, i.e. in the correct collocation.
今时今日,人们将越来越多的注意力放在词汇的教与学的重要性的问题上.Wilkins (1972) 指出,不懂语法会有一点难以沟通,但是不懂词汇就根本无法沟通.Krashen (1981)在提到这一点时,将它比作“理解的输入”,Rivers (1983)认为我们所了解到的是大词汇量是学好第二门语言的必要条件.从Rivers的观点中可以看出,没有广泛的词汇积累我们将不能运用我们从交流理解中学到的句子结构和基本用法.因此,掌握大量词汇基础的英语教学法是交际不断发展的必然结果.
当我们说某个人懂得某种语言时,意味着他知道在那种语言中单字和语素的含义,这些基本单位的含义构成了词汇.不得不承认在学习一种目标语言的过程中词汇的学习是一个相当复杂的工程.根据Michael J.Wallace (Practical Language Teaching,1982)的理论可知“懂得”一个单词可能意味着以下能力