早教吧作业答案频道 -->其他-->
tonny can’t play football,because his leg _____.
jenny can't sing songs,because her throat is_____.
ben didn't have breakfast,becausehe has a_____.
Mike can't snap his finger,because his_____ hurts.
it's hot,but jim needs more clothes,because he______ a fever.
If you have a cough,_______________________________________________________
(提示:用英语写出感冒症状请根据这一句改写:I hare sore throut,my nose hurts,I have a headache,I have a
fever too.)
jack:can you help me,doctor?
doctor:what's the matter with you?
jack:i have a toothache.
doctor:do you often eat sweet?
jack:yes.i like them very much.
doctor:don;t eat too much sweet.it's bad foryour teeth.do you brush every night?
jack:no,i only brush my teeth in the morning.
doctor:oh,i see.take this medicine and brush your teeth twice a day.you'ii be fine soon.
jack:thank you,doctor.
1、what's the matter with jack?
2、does he like sweet?
3、does jack brush his teeth in the morning?
4、does jack brush his teeth every night?
tonny can’t play football,because his leg _____.
jenny can't sing songs,because her throat is_____.
ben didn't have breakfast,becausehe has a_____.
Mike can't snap his finger,because his_____ hurts.
it's hot,but jim needs more clothes,because he______ a fever.
If you have a cough,_______________________________________________________
(提示:用英语写出感冒症状请根据这一句改写:I hare sore throut,my nose hurts,I have a headache,I have a
fever too.)
jack:can you help me,doctor?
doctor:what's the matter with you?
jack:i have a toothache.
doctor:do you often eat sweet?
jack:yes.i like them very much.
doctor:don;t eat too much sweet.it's bad foryour teeth.do you brush every night?
jack:no,i only brush my teeth in the morning.
doctor:oh,i see.take this medicine and brush your teeth twice a day.you'ii be fine soon.
jack:thank you,doctor.
1、what's the matter with jack?
2、does he like sweet?
3、does jack brush his teeth in the morning?
4、does jack brush his teeth every night?
1.jack has a toothache
2.yes,he does
4.no ,he doesn“t
2.yes,he does
4.no ,he doesn“t
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