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急需人帮我翻译!!! 速度!!! 准确!!!Pre-Sale and Post-Sale Notices Investment firms must provide customers with both pre-sale and post-sale notices detailing their right to cancel an agreement A post-sale notice must be sent to the investor within eight days for a pension contract or for purchase of unit trusts or ICVC’s, or within fourteen days for all other agreement Pre-sale notices must contain a summary pf the information that to be included in the post-sale notice Training and Competence The FSA Handbook contains a Training and Competence Sourcebook. This sets out the minimum commitment level of training and competency standard for firms and employees Firm must ensure that employees Are competent Remain competent Are supervised effectively Have regular reviews of their competency carried out-further training needs should be identified Have the level of competence appropriate to the business Pass necessary examinations to assess their competence The Compliance Officer Every investment firm must appoint compliance officer who must be an employee of the firm The compliance officer’s responsibility is supervising compliance procedure and ensuring that rules are enforced All complaints are processed through the compliance officer If the firm employs ten or more advisers then the compliance procedures must be in written form, set out in a compliance action plan covering all dealings with clients, including: 1. Fact finds 2. Recommendations 3. Complaints procedures 4. Recruitment issues 5. Advertising standards and records etc. The rules must be accessible to all employees and appointed representatives.
售前和售后通告 投资公司必须为广大客户提供售前、售后通告详述双方有权取消他们达成了协议 一个售后通知给投资者的8天内,或购买养老保险合同的单位信托基金或ICVC十四日内,或者是为所有其他的协议 售前的通知必...
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