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    It's good to share your feelings with others.No matter whether your feelings are good or not,it can
also help you to get closer to people who you care about and who care about you.
    But how to share your feelings?First,you should focus (定焦点) on your feelings.You can't tell your
friends what's inside your backpack if you don't know what's in it yourself.Feelings are the same way.
Before you share them with someone,you should know what feelings you have.You can make a list of
feelings in your head or by writing it out on a piece of paper or even by drawing pictures.What bothers
(烦扰) you?Does it make you sad or angry?Do you feel this emotion (情感) only once or many times?
When you do this,it might help you to remember something that happend and think about how it makes
you feel.Then you can say "I feel sad that my friend won't play with me." or "I feel angry with my
    Do you know why you should talk about your feelings? If you always keep your feelings inside,
especially sadness,nervousness or anxiety (焦虑),it can even make you feel sick.But if you talk with
someone who cares about you,like your mom and dad,you'll feel much better.Your parents want to
know what's hapening in your life because they love you. But if you don't want to talk with them,please
talk with your friends.They will help you.
(     )1.Don't share your feelings with others.
(     )2.Before you share your feelings with others,you should focus on your feelings.
(     )3.You can draw pictures about your feelings.
(     )4.If you always keep your feelings inside,you may feel sick.
(     )5.You can only share your feelings with your parents.
1-5: FTTTF
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