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  Have you ever watched movies in a 4D cinema? It is going to be the next wave in movie theatre experience and it will take your experience to the next level.

The 4D cinema experience has actual smells mists and vibrations (震动). While you’re watching a movie about water fighting tiny nozzles (喷嘴)in the seats might let out a mist of water. What about watching a movie about street racing or war? The nozzles can give out the smell of burning rubber or gunpowder (火药). Those all-important little nozzles have about 1 000 options for you everything from mists to smells.

Seats in the theatre are movable as well. When a car crash happens on the screen it can also feel like it’s happening in your chair. Large fans set around the theatre can make you feel like you’re caught in a windstorm and a lot of lights set around the cinema can be used to create huge flashes like you might see in a lightning storm.

Watching movies in a 4D cinema can offer you an amazing and unusual experience. You can not only see the movie but also feel and smell it.

1.The nozzles in a 4D cinema can let out ____________.

A. street racing or war       B. a mist of gunpowder

C. the smell of water        D. everything from mists to smells.

2.The second and third paragraph mainly tells us ____________.

A. the4D cinema will be in the field

B. great changes about the 4D cinema

C. seats in the theatre are movable as well

D. large fans make you feel like at home

3.The underlined word “tiny” in the second paragraph means ________.

A. small    B. Huge    C. unusual      D. movable






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