早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
During the experiment,the copper was totally burned black and the sulfur became yellow steam,because of the hot temperature,it produced water and vapor.The result of this experiment was the weight before heating is greater than after heating due to the oxygen pressure and the broken molecules lost weights.
To clarify the above data,it showed the chemical changes between the initials and the consequences of mass after heating it.
The reactants above showed us the chemical and physical changes during the experiment.
The above class data demonstrated the total reactant,the total product,and the change of mass of each group.Some changes were extremely small which Group 16 was.Each of them had different chemical reactions because of their molecule structures.A great job for this lab was to remain small changes by doing each step correctly.
In case Group 16,the greatest result of this synthesis,the change of mass did not increase a lot which meant they preserved the law of conservation of mass using copper and sulfur.In case Group 1,the change of mass increased four time of Group 16 so the gap was great big difference.
t is to identify potential sources of error in the experiment.My average of mass was 2.53g and the percentage of error was 10.90%.The average (change in mass) for the class was 0.57g and the source of error was 1.99%.The answers might not be accurate because there was not exact answer for quantitative chemical,and we just want to know the approximate figures.
During the experiment,the copper was totally burned black and the sulfur became yellow steam,because of the hot temperature,it produced water and vapor.The result of this experiment was the weight before heating is greater than after heating due to the oxygen pressure and the broken molecules lost weights.
To clarify the above data,it showed the chemical changes between the initials and the consequences of mass after heating it.
The reactants above showed us the chemical and physical changes during the experiment.
The above class data demonstrated the total reactant,the total product,and the change of mass of each group.Some changes were extremely small which Group 16 was.Each of them had different chemical reactions because of their molecule structures.A great job for this lab was to remain small changes by doing each step correctly.
In case Group 16,the greatest result of this synthesis,the change of mass did not increase a lot which meant they preserved the law of conservation of mass using copper and sulfur.In case Group 1,the change of mass increased four time of Group 16 so the gap was great big difference.
t is to identify potential sources of error in the experiment.My average of mass was 2.53g and the percentage of error was 10.90%.The average (change in mass) for the class was 0.57g and the source of error was 1.99%.The answers might not be accurate because there was not exact answer for quantitative chemical,and we just want to know the approximate figures.
During the experiment, the copper was totally burned black and the sulfur became yellow liquid. The process produced water and vapor, because of the hot temperature. The result of this experiment was ...
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