be related to;unlikely to;adapt to;no longer;in order to;too much;die out;cut off;come straight to the point;throw light on
1. He tried all his best to____ the problem but the children couldn’t understand him.
2. If you don't pay the electricity bill in time the electricity supply will be____ .
3. There's little time left; let's____ .
4. The young man is so lazy that he is____ achieve the goal.
5. To our disappointment the man ____ works in the company.
6. He practised hard ____ perform better in the basketball match.
7. Can you say some other words which ____ this word?
8. If people don't pay attention to the protection of rare animals they will soon____ .
9. Generally speaking children are easy to ____ changes in their life.
10. Every weekend we always have____ house- work to do.
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