早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1.No doubt there was a slight ________ in the classroom after the teacher came in.(uneasy)
2.The wintness’s account _______ closely to the policeman’s observations(correspondence).
3.During these long summer visits he _______ himself in the traditions and customs of the place.(soak)
4.That man is _____ for this job.He has been assigned to other work.(available)
5.The traveler_________ to his guide book for details of his journey.(reference)
6.The final cast was considerably higher than the builder’s original_________.(estimate)
7.Malicious gossip could _________ his chance of success.(injury)
8.The story was so________ that I was completely lost in it.(touch)
9.There was _______ no room in the hall:it was already full.(practical)
10.His _______ knowledge has left a deep impression on us.(extent)
1.unease 2.corresponds 3.soaks 4.unavailable
5.refers/referred 6.estimation 7.injure 8.touching
9.practically 10.extended
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