早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


I'm very glad to receive your email .Now I’d like to tell you my plans to the summer holidays .First, I’ll take seven—day trip to Dalian. You know that I have ever been there up to now. Second, I will take a summer course to learn how to dance as soon as I will come back from Dalian, which will be of great help for me to keep fit and making friends. Third, I’m determining to spare no effort to help the children in your neighborhood with their English. But my neighbors hope I can give their children some advices on how to learn English.
What about your summer holiday plans? Looking forward to hear from you soon.
【解答】I'm very glad to receive your email .Now I’d like to tell you my plans to the summer holidays .First, I’ll take【添加a 】seven—day trip to Dalian. You know that I have 【ever改成never】 been there up to now. Second, I will take a summer course to learn how to dance as soon as I 【删除will 】come back from Dalian, which will be【删除 of 】great【 help改成helpful】 for me to keep fit and【 making改成make】 friends. Third, I’m determining to spare no effort to help the children in【 your改成the】 neighborhood with their English. But my neighbors hope I can give their children some 【advices 改成advice】on how to learn English.
What about your summer holiday plans?【 Looking 改成Look】forward to 【hear改成hearing】 from you soon.
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