早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
It was 12:45 pm on 2 January,2007.50-year-old Wesley Autrey was waiting for the train at a subway station in New York.His two daughters aged four and six,were with him.Suddenly,a sick man collapsed (摔倒) on the platform.The man,20-year-old Cameron Hollopeter,got up,but then fell again—this time,onto the track between the two rails.A train was coming into the station.It was a frightening moment.But Mr Autrey wasn’t frightened.He looked at the man,and he looked at the space that the man was in.It was about half a meter deep.And he thought,“The train is going to travel over this man.If he tries to get up,the train will kill him.But if he lies on the ground and doesn’t move,he’ll be OK.” So he knew he had to make a decision.He jumped.Mr.Autrey lay on top of Mr.Hollopeter and kept him down on the ground.The train driver saw them.He was terrified,but he couldn’t stop in time.Five carriages traveled over the two men before the train stopped.The people on the platform were shocked.When Mr.Autrey heard them screaming,he shouted “We’re OK down here,but I’ve got two daughters up there.Let them know their father’s OK”.People on the platform clapped and cheered—they were amazed at Autrey’s courage.Subway workers helped the two men out.An ambulance took Mr.Hollopeter to hospital.He had no serious injuries.In an interview on a TV show,Mr.Autrey said,“The only thing that happened to me was my blue hat got dirty”.
It was 12:45 pm on 2 January,2007.50-year-old Wesley Autrey was waiting for the train at a subway station in New York.His two daughters aged four and six,were with him.Suddenly,a sick man collapsed (摔倒) on the platform.The man,20-year-old Cameron Hollopeter,got up,but then fell again—this time,onto the track between the two rails.A train was coming into the station.It was a frightening moment.But Mr Autrey wasn’t frightened.He looked at the man,and he looked at the space that the man was in.It was about half a meter deep.And he thought,“The train is going to travel over this man.If he tries to get up,the train will kill him.But if he lies on the ground and doesn’t move,he’ll be OK.” So he knew he had to make a decision.He jumped.Mr.Autrey lay on top of Mr.Hollopeter and kept him down on the ground.The train driver saw them.He was terrified,but he couldn’t stop in time.Five carriages traveled over the two men before the train stopped.The people on the platform were shocked.When Mr.Autrey heard them screaming,he shouted “We’re OK down here,but I’ve got two daughters up there.Let them know their father’s OK”.People on the platform clapped and cheered—they were amazed at Autrey’s courage.Subway workers helped the two men out.An ambulance took Mr.Hollopeter to hospital.He had no serious injuries.In an interview on a TV show,Mr.Autrey said,“The only thing that happened to me was my blue hat got dirty”.
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