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中学生沉溺于网吧已成为社会广泛关注的热点问题。最近有关部门对此进行了调查,结果如下图显示:聊天占30%,玩网络游戏的占40%,看电影的占22%,浏览不健康网站的占8%。请你以Keep far away from net bars 为题,写一篇100字左右的调查报告。内容包括:(1)调查结果。(2)沉溺于网吧的危害。(3)你的看法





Keep far away from bars

    As is known to everybody it has become a hot widely concerned social problem that middle school students are addicted to net bars.                                              









As is known to everybody it has become a hot widely concerned social problem that middle school students are addicted to net bars.Recently a survey about it has been made by the department conemed which shows that there are about 40% of them playing network games 30% chatting with friends 22% watching films and even 8% visiting unhealthy websites.

    Some students cannot control themselves and are addicted to sitting in the net bars the whole night.All these have a very bad effect not only on their study but also on their physical and mental health.

    In my opinion we students should focus our attention upon our study and make full use of time to work hard at our lessons so that we can acquire more knowledge and be admitted to universities.Finally I' m sincerely calling on the students who are still addicted to doing so to come back and keep far away from net bars.

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