早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


A man was surprised to see an ugly ststue of a rat in a small gift shop.Just then,the 31____said to him,"Sir,the statue is only five dollars,but the story behind in will 32____fifty dallars."The man got 33____surprised."Let me think.If i buy the statue and the story behind it,I'll have to pay fifty-five dollars.But if I buy the statue 34____the story,it'll only be five dollar."The shopkeeper nodded.The man didn't 35____the shopkeeper.He just paid five dollars and 36_____the stetue away.
37____,he found that a small rat followed him.At first,he didn't 38____.But minutes later,he looked back and saw about fifty rats.He started running because he was a little 39____.
when he look back the 40____time,he saw thousands of rats behind him.Terribly,he rushed to the beach and threw the statue into the sea as 41 ____as possible.To,his great 42_____,the rats followed the statue and jumped into the sea.
Then the man rushed back to the 43 ____.The shopkeeper laughed 44 ____he saw the man and said,"I guess you'll come back to buy the 45_____.Pleased give me fifty dollars"The man answered,"Oh,no!I wonder if you've got a statue of a lawyer.
31A teacher B worker Cshopkeeper D doctor
32A take B cost C pay D spend
33A more B most C less D few
34A for B with C behind D without
35A talk B like C believe D listen
36A left B put C threw D took
37Aquickly B suddenly C usually D luckily
38A care B know C find D leave
39A tried B happy C excited D nervous
40A first B second C third D last
41A near B far C high D well
42A kindness B fun C surprise D excitement
43A store B sea C street D home
44A though B when C if D until
45A rat B story C store D statue
好久不做了= =正确率可能有点拙计