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英语作文 我去过最远的旅行
idid not appreciate the magnificent scenery of the motherland, nor tour many historical sites, but I've been a place, date home - Willows.
Willows mother's hometown, is also the most beautiful places I've been.
Last fall, my mother said to me: "Do you want to go to her mother's home to look at the Willows?" Xiao composition network
I can not wait to ask her mother: "Your home is what it looks like?" I was very curious.
Mother said: "That was the big home dates in autumn will bear a large bright red dates, by the morning of the dates, called" water dew date ", especially tasty, foggy morning here, it is a good landscape, here are your favorite sheep, cats, dogs, chickens ...... there is a large farm, we can go to the big farm picking fruit, eat big dates. how? are you going? "
I am one, a promise.
Then, we set off. On the way, I have been asked my mother: "Mom, is coming yet?" "Mom, do you eat dates here," "Mom, you grew up here, you grow up?" "Mom, you pick it over the fruit?? "...... I put my mother asked confused.
The Willows, mother's relatives and friends immediately came out to greet us, and asked us in good shape? Good city life is not good? ...... Ask a lot. Me? Standing in the distance, where the smell of a variety of flavor and aroma.
"Ah, the thick smell of dates, ah, corn, sweet incense, ah, beans green flavor, ah, rice cereal flavor, ah, tomatoes are delicious. Ah! Great," I gasped in admiration.
After smelling the fragrance and aroma, it should be practical action. Mom and I took a big bag a man, go pick the fruit, "said one, two, three, four, five, six ......" Let's pick dates, and then pick the corn, then pick beans, last pick tomatoes. Soon, two bags full of it.
We pick the side eating, ah, really, and my mother said the same, very delicious sweet dates, my mother and I have been eating and eat it, while my mother and I eat a big belly, could not eat a meal. Today I had an addiction dates.
Soon, the dark days, we have to go home, I reluctantly left the Willows.
I really want to go again Willows, eat once dates, too few dates addiction.

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